ARPALIT® Neo foam

A product designed to kill ticks, fleas, lice, biting lice. Suitable for extremely timid dogs and small breeds.

Suitable for
Product leaflet

Pet-friendly, protects against ticks and fleas

The foam application form is suitable especially for small breeds, extremely timid dogs, for application in the face or intimate parts and for animals with sensitive skin. The advantage of foam application form is simple, visible dosing of the amount of antiparasitic according to the size of the treated dog and the possibility of applying products only to places where the dog is most susceptible to infestation by parasites. Apply until the hair is slightly dampened. The active substances Permethrin and Fenoxycarb contained in the product have an ovicidal and larvicidal effect and at the same time protect the dog from re-infestation.

Protect your pets with care

We think about your pet’s health first. Arpalit NEO takes good care of your pet’s health, but at the same time is very effective against parasites.


Did you know that common tick and flea remedies such as spot-ons (pipettes) or antiparasitic collars intoxicate your pet’s bloodstream? Toxic substances circulate in the bloodstream for several months. Arpalit NEO antiparasitic products (foam, spray, shampoo, sprayer) do not have this property and do not intoxicate your pet’s blood circulation.

For a wide range of parasites

Act on a wide range of parasites from ticks and fleas to biting lice. They act on all developmental stages from larva to adult parasite.

For whom it is not intended

  • Do not use in sick animals.
  • Do not use in cats. Avoid possible contact of cats with dogs after application.
  • Do not use in case of known hypersensitivity to any of the substances contained.
  • Do not use in pups less than 2 months of age, during lactation or pregnancy.

Prevention for up to 4 weeks

e.g. parasite season is approaching and you want to avoid infesting your dog with parasites

If you want the product to act as a repellent, apply Arpalit NEO spray/mechanical sprayer/foam on your dog in a sufficient amount according to your dog’s height. Repeat the application after 4 weeks.

To increase protection, you can use Arpalit NEO antiparasitic shampoo with bamboo extract. Then repeat as needed.

Urgent elimination of parasites

E.g. the parasite season has started, the animal is infested and you want to relieve your dog from parasites immediately

If you want to relieve you pet from parasites immediately, apply Arpalit NEO spray/mechanical sprayer/foam on your dog in a sufficient amount appropriate for your dog’s height. Repeat the application after 1 week and then after 4 weeks.

To increase protection, you can use Arpalit NEO antiparasitic shampoo with bamboo extract.

Spray, mechanical sprayer, foam. Which product to use?


Quick application on the pet and its bed
ARPALIT® Neo spray

Mechanical sprayer

Does the pet not like the sound of the spray? Use a mechanical sprayer
ARPALIT® Neo mechanical sprayer


Ideal for sensitive pets. Rub the foam into the hair during cuddling
ARPALIT® Neo foam

Advantages of Arpalit NEO skin foam


Fleas will bounce it off

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